Letting the big group of dogs in en mass this morning, I noted quickly that only one of the young dogs came in. Bug was there, but where was the good puppy, RangoRango???
I put a couple of the loose group in crates to manage the chaos, then quickly popped back outside for a scan and shout for the wayward black bi pup.
Inside I told HM her baby boy was MIA and she quickly went out on the hunt.
"OONA!!!! COME!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Oona? Wait. WHAT?!?!!!)
Quickly counting I see that Oona, too, was MIA. Those appeared to be the only two. Well then!
I opened the door and sure enough. There was Beanie with RangoRango.
It was reported that HM saw Beanie running around up at the barn. Happily there was no livestock loose yet in the back area, so they didn't try to go back there. That just leaves the barn cats to chase and annoy, and those cats well know how to get quickly away from overly-interested unattended dogs, so, the worst they could do was hunt cat poo (which they apparently did very efficiently - grrrrr). Even more happily, Oona's recall is legendary and spectacular (as long as there are no loose cats around) so she promptly came back with RangoRango on her heels.
The escape route was quickly located and blocked off. Ask me not how Oona got thru that little hole, but she did!!! After breakfast they were let back out and OonaBean ran right to the escape route and was annoyed to see it barricaded.
Foiled Again! Drat!
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