Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cone of Shame

Haroooooo friends!!! TWIST here!!!!
ROO to you!

Poor me! Poor ROO!!!

Tonite dog-ma noticed I wuz paying speshul attenshen to mah booty. I mean it *IZ* cyoot rite?

Dog-ma sed I haz a hot spot on mah booty. How darez she?!! Mah whole booty iz hotness!! For serious!!!

Mah booty does haz problemness tho. Ouchie. It hurtz!
Dog-ma sez it iz on mah booty an right on mah nub. I haz a nub not a tail. It is part of whut makes mah booty xtra-cyoot! She used teh snippers on mah beyutimus furs an chop chopped it off. (Ah tried to chomp chomp her. It HURTZ!!)

Dog-ma sez the stinky powderyness she sprinkled will help mah whole booty be hotness (tha good kind) again but ah had to lickit off. Yuck!!!

Then dog-ma putted this THING on mah head. She chuckled an sez is teh Cone of Shame. SHAME?!!! Whut did ah do to dezerve such mizzery?!!! It tried to KEEL me! Mah FEETSES don't work. It traps me! Ah knock things an cannot see! Ah cannot MOOVE!!!

Lookit me an this pathetic cone!! Seriousness. One satellite joke an ah will bite yuoz!

Teh good newz iz ah gets ta sleep wif dog-ma tonite! Mah big head fits not in teh crate!!!!

Good nite friends. I sleeps. Finally.


Unknown said...

but really, it's an Elizabethan Collar. Like a Queen. Or a King. Silly Roo. You are now dressed like a KING! :)

WooPak said...

Bull in china shop + Cone of Shame = weapon of mass destruction!!!

Katie said...

Poor, poor Roo. The things he must suffer for the hawtness!

WooPak said...

So kind ov you ta notice mah hawtness Katie! Ahhhm too sexy for mah shirt, sooo sexy it hurtz!