Saturday, September 15, 2012

Long time!

So, I completely forgot I had a blog hanging out here. Let's see if we shouldn't revise it instead of harassing the world of Facebook for a while!  

So much has changed since October 2008.  The dog list has grown by two. One and a half really. I cannot count a Pomeranian as a whole dog, mighty tho he is. 

Lava is 11. He is in good health for an older dog, tho he now has diabetes insipidus, which is a fancy way of saying he has a hormone issue that means his kidneys don't concentrate his urine. He is on twice daily eye drops for this and is doing well now. Stan is a veteran now at 8. He is still my main man. Always Mr. Dependable. My super-go-to-guy for chores, snuggles, you name it. The newest is Twist. He is now 1.5 years old and is a tornado and kangaroo all wrapped in one. I'll let him introduce himself at some point soon. 

The biggest changes have been with Oona. Finnish Lapphunds were given full status in the AKC. we finished her Championship and began going after her GCh however she had to be spayed for medical reasons, so she is retired. We may work on something else. She is a smart cookie. 

I'll try to bring everything here up to speed slowly. For now, it's nap time for me and mine!

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