Tuesday, July 15, 2008

DOGCHAT: Passport Required

DOGCHAT: Passport Required
Wren here.

Mom came home Saturday night after being gone for at least 100 years, and told me that tomorrow I was going to see France and Boston, and we were going to meet a Pharaoh!

I was so excited Friday night that i barely managed to eat my liver... it was a very close thing, but one should never waste dinner, so I managed... just.

Sunday morning we arose at the crack of dawn. I believe this time she truly did crack herself and it must've hurt terribly because she was crying making the whole world soggy. I wanted to go look for Dawn to make her feel better (my kisses can repair any crack), but mom said, "No, no, Wren. We have a long way to go today! We're going to see France... and Boston! Dawn will dry her tears soon."

"Being an ambassador is a big responsibility," she said. "Decorum is to be the order of the day." (I didn't correct her, but I would've ordered another chicken back) and I trotted to the van for the long journey to France.

I had barely settled in and closed my eyes for a much needed nap when the van stopped and mom said, "Wren, here we are! Let's go see the French!" Did you know, my friends, that France is just a short ride from my house? Surely not more than 15 minutes. I must've missed the Channel, but would you believe that Dawn was crying there too?!!

I waited for mom to put my leash on me, I hopped out of the crate, stretching and yawning, putting on my order of Decorum.We entered a building and walked and walked. No wonder we didn't drive far.I think we walked half the distance to France on foot! We finally turned the corner and SMACK! Right into the most immovable dog I've ever seen."Wren, this is Misty, she is a French Bulldog." Misty must not speak english, I determined. She was rather stuck-up (I'd heard that about the French before), snorting and snuffling, and didn't have much to say to me at all. So I said my hellos and we ambled on.

A short while later I met Zekial, who mom swore was a Pharaoh. The only Pharaohs I've ever seen were photographs, old and wrinkley, wrapped in cloths -wise old codgers. Zeke was smooth and pretty red, bouncy, and kind of a goober. Pharaoh Zeke must need to be seasoned a bit longer before he becomes a legendary Pharaoh I guess, but personally, I like him much better than the KingTut's mummy (Are Pharaohs english? why do they always show photos of their mummy and not the Pharaoh themselves? Their mums are NOT very photogenic, and Zeke is very handsome!).

I also met some new friends from Boston. We had much more in common than the others, and when mom put me in my crate for a rest, they and I spent some time conversing - though they were only telling me how cold they were yesterday, wrapped up in blankies and such.We got an unexpected additional stop on our tour when I got to meet some young german shepherds. They were not overly impressed with their tour of the world, and were hanging on their mom. I tried to engage them in play but they,too, must not speak english, and i assume my attempt at german fell on deaf ears as well. sigh. My new friends had never seen a Finnish girl before, but I showed them my good nature, showered their moms with kisses and won over the world with my personality and charm.

Being an ambassador is such hard work!I got an extra helping of dinner when we drove home, and slept most of the night through, dreaming of the next fun place I'll get to go!


(Reprint from Jan. 26, 2007)

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