I received a phone call this afternoon from a lady looking for help. She was at a local large park and had been adopted by a dog wandering around who looked lost. The dog seemed quite content to just hang out with her, as she didn't seem to know anyone else and didn't know where her people were. She mistakenly thought the dog was a siberian husky, but her mistaken breed ID turned into very good fortune indeed. I asked her to snap a photo and send it to me, and she did, and I saw a lovely, senior citizen Akita looking quite muddy and tired.
I gave her some advice, and suggested that the dog had obviously decided she was going to help her, so help her we must. She took her to a vet nearby, and had her scanned. Voila! A Microchip! Unfortunately the number was not valid... and was registered over 3000 miles away!!! Aaaannnnd once again she was at a dead end. I put her photo on a local Lost and Found board that is very active, and about 6 hours later, someone contacted me that she knew who owned the dog. She had been at the dog park and met a man who was frantically looking for his lost akita and had described her to a T. She got my number and gave it to him and he called me tonight. I told him where she is being boarded and he would want to bring proof that she was his (photos or some such) and go pick her up in the morning.... and suggested he update her microchip information. She could have been home hours ago! But. All's well that ends well. Yay team!
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