Thursday, June 19, 2008

'Sarge' Ch Keesbrook Magic Royal Mountie RN, AX, OAP, AXJ, OJP, CGC, TT 11-08-1996 to 06-19-2008

It is with a heavy heart that I must report that today my great friends lost their very special boy, Sarge. He was a first for Becky in many ways - her first AKC titles, her first agiltiy dog, but most of all, an excellent teammoate and steadfast companion. He will be sorely missed by many, myself included. Godspeed to Sarge.

This is particularly difficult for me as Sarge and my Willow were diagnosed with similar cancers within a couple weeks of each other. Unfortunately for Sarge, the location of his was more difficult to enable a longer stay here with us, and I am reminded today to count each day as a blessing as Willow and I go through her final journey.

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